在本文中,我们的目标是在各种照明条件下解决复杂场景中一致的深度预测问题。现有的基于RGB-D传感器或虚拟渲染的室内数据集具有两个关键限制 - 稀疏深度映射(NYU深度V2)和非现实照明(Sun CG,SceneNet RGB-D)。我们建议使用Internet 3D室内场景并手动调整其照明,以呈现照片逼真的RGB照片及其相应的深度和BRDF地图,获取名为Vari DataSet的新室内深度数据集。通过在编码特征上应用深度可分离扩张的卷积来处理全局信息并减少参数,提出了一个名为DCA的简单卷积块。我们对这些扩张的特征进行横向关注,以保留不同照明下深度预测的一致性。通过将其与Vari数据集上的当前最先进的方法进行比较来评估我们的方法,并且在我们的实验中观察到显着改善。我们还开展了融合研究,Finetune我们的NYU深度V2模型,并评估了真实数据,以进一步验证我们的DCA块的有效性。代码,预先训练的权重和vari数据集是开放的。
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Inferring missing links or detecting spurious ones based on observed graphs, known as link prediction, is a long-standing challenge in graph data analysis. With the recent advances in deep learning, graph neural networks have been used for link prediction and have achieved state-of-the-art performance. Nevertheless, existing methods developed for this purpose are typically discriminative, computing features of local subgraphs around two neighboring nodes and predicting potential links between them from the perspective of subgraph classification. In this formalism, the selection of enclosing subgraphs and heuristic structural features for subgraph classification significantly affects the performance of the methods. To overcome this limitation, this paper proposes a novel and radically different link prediction algorithm based on the network reconstruction theory, called GraphLP. Instead of sampling positive and negative links and heuristically computing the features of their enclosing subgraphs, GraphLP utilizes the feature learning ability of deep-learning models to automatically extract the structural patterns of graphs for link prediction under the assumption that real-world graphs are not locally isolated. Moreover, GraphLP explores high-order connectivity patterns to utilize the hierarchical organizational structures of graphs for link prediction. Our experimental results on all common benchmark datasets from different applications demonstrate that the proposed method consistently outperforms other state-of-the-art methods. Unlike the discriminative neural network models used for link prediction, GraphLP is generative, which provides a new paradigm for neural-network-based link prediction.
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Detecting abrupt changes in data distribution is one of the most significant tasks in streaming data analysis. Although many unsupervised Change-Point Detection (CPD) methods have been proposed recently to identify those changes, they still suffer from missing subtle changes, poor scalability, or/and sensitive to noise points. To meet these challenges, we are the first to generalise the CPD problem as a special case of the Change-Interval Detection (CID) problem. Then we propose a CID method, named iCID, based on a recent Isolation Distributional Kernel (IDK). iCID identifies the change interval if there is a high dissimilarity score between two non-homogeneous temporal adjacent intervals. The data-dependent property and finite feature map of IDK enabled iCID to efficiently identify various types of change points in data streams with the tolerance of noise points. Moreover, the proposed online and offline versions of iCID have the ability to optimise key parameter settings. The effectiveness and efficiency of iCID have been systematically verified on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
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Recent work has shown that fine-tuning large pre-trained language models on a collection of tasks described via instructions, a.k.a. instruction-tuning, improves their zero and few-shot generalization to unseen tasks. However, there is a limited understanding of the performance trade-offs of different decisions made during the instruction-tuning process. These decisions include the scale and diversity of the instruction-tuning benchmark, different task sampling strategies, fine-tuning with and without demonstrations, training using specialized datasets for reasoning and dialogue, and finally, the fine-tuning objectives themselves. In this paper, we characterize the effect of instruction-tuning decisions on downstream task performance when scaling both model and benchmark sizes. To this end, we create OPT-IML Bench: a large benchmark for Instruction Meta-Learning (IML) of 2000 NLP tasks consolidated into task categories from 8 existing benchmarks, and prepare an evaluation framework to measure three types of model generalizations: to tasks from fully held-out categories, to held-out tasks from seen categories, and to held-out instances from seen tasks. Through the lens of this framework, we first present insights about instruction-tuning decisions as applied to OPT-30B and further exploit these insights to train OPT-IML 30B and 175B, which are instruction-tuned versions of OPT. OPT-IML demonstrates all three generalization abilities at both scales on four different evaluation benchmarks with diverse tasks and input formats -- PromptSource, FLAN, Super-NaturalInstructions, and UnifiedSKG. Not only does it significantly outperform OPT on all benchmarks but is also highly competitive with existing models fine-tuned on each specific benchmark. We release OPT-IML at both scales, together with the OPT-IML Bench evaluation framework.
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Domain adaptation aims to transfer the knowledge acquired by models trained on (data-rich) source domains to (low-resource) target domains, for which a popular method is invariant representation learning. While they have been studied extensively for classification and regression problems, how they apply to ranking problems, where the data and metrics have a list structure, is not well understood. Theoretically, we establish a domain adaptation generalization bound for ranking under listwise metrics such as MRR and NDCG. The bound suggests an adaptation method via learning list-level domain-invariant feature representations, whose benefits are empirically demonstrated by unsupervised domain adaptation experiments on real-world ranking tasks, including passage reranking. A key message is that for domain adaptation, the representations should be analyzed at the same level at which the metric is computed, as we show that learning invariant representations at the list level is most effective for adaptation on ranking problems.
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Is it possible to leverage large scale raw and raw parallel corpora to build a general learned metric? Existing learned metrics have gaps to human judgements, are model-dependent or are limited to the domains or tasks where human ratings are available. In this paper, we propose SEScore2, a model-based metric pretrained over million-scale synthetic dataset constructed by our novel retrieval augmented data synthesis pipeline. SEScore2 achieves high correlation to human judgements without any human rating supervisions. Importantly, our unsupervised SEScore2 can outperform supervised metrics, which are trained on the News human ratings, at the TED domain. We evaluate SEScore2 over four text generation tasks across three languages. SEScore2 outperforms all prior unsupervised evaluation metrics in machine translation, speech translation, data-to-text and dialogue generation, with average Kendall improvements 0.158. SEScore2 even outperforms SOTA supervised BLEURT at data-to-text, dialogue generation and overall correlation.
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For best performance, today's semantic segmentation methods use large and carefully labeled datasets, requiring expensive annotation budgets. In this work, we show that coarse annotation is a low-cost but highly effective alternative for training semantic segmentation models. Considering the urban scene segmentation scenario, we leverage cheap coarse annotations for real-world captured data, as well as synthetic data to train our model and show competitive performance compared with finely annotated real-world data. Specifically, we propose a coarse-to-fine self-training framework that generates pseudo labels for unlabeled regions of the coarsely annotated data, using synthetic data to improve predictions around the boundaries between semantic classes, and using cross-domain data augmentation to increase diversity. Our extensive experimental results on Cityscapes and BDD100k datasets demonstrate that our method achieves a significantly better performance vs annotation cost tradeoff, yielding a comparable performance to fully annotated data with only a small fraction of the annotation budget. Also, when used as pretraining, our framework performs better compared to the standard fully supervised setting.
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Learning continuous image representations is recently gaining popularity for image super-resolution (SR) because of its ability to reconstruct high-resolution images with arbitrary scales from low-resolution inputs. Existing methods mostly ensemble nearby features to predict the new pixel at any queried coordinate in the SR image. Such a local ensemble suffers from some limitations: i) it has no learnable parameters and it neglects the similarity of the visual features; ii) it has a limited receptive field and cannot ensemble relevant features in a large field which are important in an image; iii) it inherently has a gap with real camera imaging since it only depends on the coordinate. To address these issues, this paper proposes a continuous implicit attention-in-attention network, called CiaoSR. We explicitly design an implicit attention network to learn the ensemble weights for the nearby local features. Furthermore, we embed a scale-aware attention in this implicit attention network to exploit additional non-local information. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate CiaoSR significantly outperforms the existing single image super resolution (SISR) methods with the same backbone. In addition, the proposed method also achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the arbitrary-scale SR task. The effectiveness of the method is also demonstrated on the real-world SR setting. More importantly, CiaoSR can be flexibly integrated into any backbone to improve the SR performance.
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Co-speech gesture is crucial for human-machine interaction and digital entertainment. While previous works mostly map speech audio to human skeletons (e.g., 2D keypoints), directly generating speakers' gestures in the image domain remains unsolved. In this work, we formally define and study this challenging problem of audio-driven co-speech gesture video generation, i.e., using a unified framework to generate speaker image sequence driven by speech audio. Our key insight is that the co-speech gestures can be decomposed into common motion patterns and subtle rhythmic dynamics. To this end, we propose a novel framework, Audio-driveN Gesture vIdeo gEneration (ANGIE), to effectively capture the reusable co-speech gesture patterns as well as fine-grained rhythmic movements. To achieve high-fidelity image sequence generation, we leverage an unsupervised motion representation instead of a structural human body prior (e.g., 2D skeletons). Specifically, 1) we propose a vector quantized motion extractor (VQ-Motion Extractor) to summarize common co-speech gesture patterns from implicit motion representation to codebooks. 2) Moreover, a co-speech gesture GPT with motion refinement (Co-Speech GPT) is devised to complement the subtle prosodic motion details. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our framework renders realistic and vivid co-speech gesture video. Demo video and more resources can be found in: https://alvinliu0.github.io/projects/ANGIE
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Recent works have shown that unstructured text (documents) from online sources can serve as useful auxiliary information for zero-shot image classification. However, these methods require access to a high-quality source like Wikipedia and are limited to a single source of information. Large Language Models (LLM) trained on web-scale text show impressive abilities to repurpose their learned knowledge for a multitude of tasks. In this work, we provide a novel perspective on using an LLM to provide text supervision for a zero-shot image classification model. The LLM is provided with a few text descriptions from different annotators as examples. The LLM is conditioned on these examples to generate multiple text descriptions for each class(referred to as views). Our proposed model, I2MVFormer, learns multi-view semantic embeddings for zero-shot image classification with these class views. We show that each text view of a class provides complementary information allowing a model to learn a highly discriminative class embedding. Moreover, we show that I2MVFormer is better at consuming the multi-view text supervision from LLM compared to baseline models. I2MVFormer establishes a new state-of-the-art on three public benchmark datasets for zero-shot image classification with unsupervised semantic embeddings.
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